Saturday, April 28, 2012

Final Reflection

I have gained a lot of knowledge on general aspects of teaching, and acquired many new teaching strategies that I will use in my future teaching career.  First of all, I definitely plan on having a set of books in my classroom that students can go to on a regular basis to read; I think it would be so fun to keep it updated with interesting books and magazines. I want to do all I can in order to build a positive perception of reading and writing in my classroom. In order to do this, I plan on incorporating critical literacy into my lessons by using lessons like the ones presented in class-analyzing ads, magazines, pictures, etc. As a Health and English teacher it is imperative that I teach my students how to analyze and question everything they read.  I also plan on teaching comprehension strategies while reading all texts-and make sure that every student develops and improves their metacognition. I know that as technology keeps getting more popular, it will be integrated into the classroom more and more. I hope to always stay up to date on fun ways to use digital literacy in my classroom, such as having my students create stories using websites, use blogs, or help them to understand correct ways to research. The possibilities are endless in the classroom, and I think that is what I learned more than anything from taking this course. I really liked each lesson we did and will strive to integrate different strategies on a daily basis that will keep students interested and constantly learning.


  1. I love that you want to keep your classroom up to date! My nephew is seven and he is so technology savvy. I think that you will keep a lot more kids interested by using digital literacy to your advantage.

  2. I really liked your emphasis on including high-interest texts in your content area. I also liked how you mentioned magazines. I just came across this one
    that might be good for middle school students.

    Thanks for a concise synthesis that covered many concepts introduced throughout the semester. :)
